Bharat has 2 stories one "Vedic" and the other "Puranic":
There is a written proof in Rig Veda mandal 7 & 10. We have 5 rivers in and around Punjab region. This region was called Sapta - Sindhu and the tribe living over there were called "bharatiyas". There were other tribes and that led a great battle in history, the battle was called the battle of 10 kings and the bharatiyas tribe defeated all the other tribes and their territory increased.
When the west came to Bharat , they misspelled "S" as "H" so "Sapta-Sindhu" became "Hapta-Hindu" and "Hapta Hindu" became Hindu in short, when the greeks came, they couldn’t say "H" so they started saying "Indus" and the latin form was India.
This stuff basically arised during the G20 summit when the invitation went out with the name “The President Of Bharat”.
After the constitution amendment, it was kept as "India that is Bharat".
Bronze Age - In the Rig Veda, it’s mentioned that there was a tribe named "Bharatiyas" living in the Haryana region who were also called "Truthsus" and they used to call their homeland "Sapta-Sindhu" or the land of the seven rivers. When the "Bharatiyas" were attacked by the west by a coalition of 10 tribes, there was a great battle on the banks of the river "Ravi" then called "Parusthi" in which the Bharatiyas completely decimated the 10 tribes and then they turned eastward and defeated another chieftain called "Veda" on the banks of river Yamuna. The Bharat tribe started the first empire and the chieftain's name was "Sudas" who conducted the first Ashwamedha Yagna and became a "chakravartin" with symbol that had a wheel.
The unique thing about the "Bhartiya" tribe was even after defeating other tribes they didn’t impose their gods and beliefs on other tribes. They organised a meeting and ensured all knowledge of shastras was compiled in our so-called Vedas as one. In the first three Vedas, we were a power of assimilation rather than imposition. By the Iron Age, all other tribes bought into these principle of the "bharatiyas" and so in the process, the whole region came to be known as the "bharat".
The Puranic chronology is a timeline of Hindu history based on the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, and the Puranas. The central dates here are the Kurukshetra War and the Lanka War with the start and end of the Kali Yuga and the other yugas and all the other events in Hindu mythology.
The Puranas are oriented at a cyclical understanding of time. They contain stories about the creation and destruction of the world, and the yugas (ages). There are four yugas in one cycle:
Satya Yuga (a time of truth and righteousness)
Treta Yuga
Dvapara Yuga
Kali Yuga (a time of darkness and non-virtue)
King Bharat was the son of King Dushyant and Shakuntala, who was the 14 generation of the puru dynasty and Shakuntala was the daughter of Sage Vishwamitra and Apsara Maneka.